Male Scott's Oriole at Ocotillo blossoms, Hereford, Arizona
Photo Credits
(List doesn't include over 2,300 photos on various insect identification websites.)
This Black-banded Owl was photographed from a canopy platform about 110 feet above the forest floor. LaSelva Lodge, Napo River, Ecuador
Pied-billed Grebe corpse (B&W), in article (by RAB) on prey-induced predator mortality. Western Birds 12: 183-184. 1981
Two pictures of Colombian Crake (B&W), in article (by RAB) on its distribution American Birds 37: 16 Nov./Dec. 1983
Boat-billed Heron (color), in article on Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica. The Nature Conservancy Magazine. Jan./Feb. 1988
Marbled Murrelet (color), in article on Marbled Murrelet biology. San Jose Mercury News, July 1988
Pinnated Bittern (color), in The Birder's Catalog. S. Buff. Simon and Schuster. 1989
Ibis flock (B&W), in an article concerning ibis distribution. American Birds 42(1): 43-45
Ruddy Ground-Doves pair (color), in an article on ground-dove identification. Birding 22(3) June 1990
Masked Duck (color), rarities column American Birds
Dark morph Ross' Goose (color), rarities column American Birds
Red-throated Pipit (color), rarities column American Birds 44: 5 winter 1990
Snowy Plover (B&W), cover Texas Ornithological Society newsletter, 39: 1. Winter 1991.
Great Frigatebird chick (color), World Wildlife Fund Calendar. 1992.
Arctic Tern (color), Photo Quiz, Birding 23(6): 363 and 23(1): 58
Bonaparte's Gull (color), Photo Quiz, Birding 24(3): 200 and 24(4): 250
Three birds and one scenic (color), in The Birds of Texas J. Tveten. Shearer Publications. 1993
Ten pictures (color), in beach-nesting bird conservation/protection educational poster, Houston Audubon Society/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Spring 1994 (plus additional poster displays, newsletter photos, stationary, and pamphlets (not itemized here) promoting HAS social and environmental functions, and the HAS Bolivar Flats Sanctuary.
Snowy Egret (B&W), Sand 'N Sea Properties, Inc. ad Houston Chronicle 5 Oct. and 19 Oct. 1994
Royal Terns (color), Sand 'N Sea Properties, Inc. ad. The Houston Post's Houston Life Magazine 16 Oct. 1994
Great Frigatebird, male (color), in article on frigatebird identification. Birding Dec. 1994: 405.
Long-tailed Duck (Oldsquaw) (color), in Birds of Alaska. 4th ed. R. Armstrong. Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co. 1995.
Orange-breasted Falcon (color) in article on falcon identification by S.N.G Howell and A. Whittaker. Cotinga Aug. 1995, 4: 41.
Aleutian Tern, Great Frigatebird, and sea cliffs at Pribilof Islands (color) in: CD-ROM, Peterson Multimedia Guides: North American Birds (1995)
Five photos (color) in National Audubon Society Interactive CD-ROM Guide to North American Birds. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 1996.
Thayer's Gull (color) in Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Western Region. Little, Brown and Co. 1996.
Greater Scaup (color) in Birds of the Pacific Northwest Mountains: The Cascade Range, the Olympic Mountains, Vancouver Island, and the Coast Mountains. By Wassink, J.L. and K. Ort. 1994. Mountain Press.
Two birds, one alligator (all B&W) in Trip Out! 25 Vacations That Will Change Your Life by Karoleigh Krenzel, Kristalex Press 1996.
Cape May Warbler (color) exhibit at Walnut Creek NWR.
Black-throated Blue Warbler (B&W). National Audubon Soc. Field Notes 1996, 50(2): 192.
Aleutian Tern (color) in Lives of North American Birds, by Kenn Kaufman. Houghton Mifflin, New York 1996.
Two todies (color) in article on evolution in the Caribbean. BBC Wildlife Magazine 14(12): 21-22, Dec. 1996.
Aleutian Tern, Thayer's Gull, Cuban Pewee, Vaux' Swift, Black Catbird (color) in Birds of North America CD-ROM: Thayer Birding Software.
Cuban Trogon and habitat shot (color) in article about birding in Cuba. WildBird Aug 1997.
Two pictures of Savannah Sparrows (color). Article (by RAB and T. Eubanks) on NE Mexico. Cotinga 7: 1997, p 33.
Marbled Murrelet (color) in article about murrelet identification. Birding 29(6): 468.
Antillean Siskin (color) used in CD ROM project
Mangrove Swallow (color) in article about vagrant birds. Birding 30(6): 488.
Caspian Plover and Red-billed Tropicbird (color) in CD-ROM: Birds of South Africa
Cuban Parakeet (color) in World Wildlife Fund stamp collection (No. 241)
Surucua Trogon (color) in article about birds in Bahia, Brazil. Cotinga 11 (1999) p. 88.
Thayer’s Gull (color); Birder’s World, Feb. 1999.
Marbled Murrelet (color); Guide to Seabirds, Kamchatka Inst.
Three birds (color) in Chanticleer Press’s website.
Vaux’ Swift (color) in Smithsonian Institution Field Guide to the Birds – Southwest.
Bird and butterfly images (color, several). in Fogarty Klein & Partners (Houston, TX) for advertising (brochure illustration). Fall 1999.
Six birds (color) in Flieg, G.M. and A. Sander. 2000. Photographic Guide to Birds of the West Indies. London: New Holland Publishers, Ltd.
Thayer’s Gull (color) in CD-ROM field guide, Birds of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum.
Aleutian Tern (color) in soft cover edition of Lives of North American Birds, by Kenn Kaufman. Houghton Mifflin, New York.
Prong-billed Barbet (color), in Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 7: Jacamars to Woodpeckers, Lynx Edicions (2002). Barcelona, Spain.
Male Redhead (color). Northwest Texas Museum Association, three-year traveling exhibit demonstrating playa lakes natural history. Jan 2003.
Thayer’s Gull (color). Iceland Gull and Thayer’s Gull. The Birds of North America, No. 699, by R.R. Snell, (2002). Philadelphia: The Birds of North America, Inc.
Small Tree-Finch (color) in University of Nebraska State Museum exhibit on the Galapagos Islands. 2004
Black Catbird (2) (color) Interpretive display and website for World Birding Center, Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 2004.
Small Tree-Finch (color) in Virus and the Whale: Exploring Evolution in a Museum Collaboration. University of Nebraska State Museum. 2005.
Small Tree-Finch (color) in activity book, Virus and the Whale, University of Nebraska State Museum. 2005.
Bullock's Oriole (color) in Birdlife of Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coast by Ted Eubanks, Bob Behrstock and Ron Weeks. Texas A&M University press. 2006.
Thayer's Gull (color): Lake County (Illinois) Forest Preserves online database. 2006.
Two gulls (color) in Peterson Reference Guides: Gulls of the Americas (Peterson Reference Guides) by Steve N. G. Howell and Jon Dunn. Houghton Mifflin. 2007.
Thayer's Gull (color) in NWF Guide to Birds. Chanticleer Press. 2007.
Sharp-tailed Ibis (color) in book about ibises in Brazil. Avis Brasilis.
Vaux's Swift (color) in WildBird.
Fifty-nine birds (color) in Eubanks, Behrstock, and Davidson. 2008. Finding Birds On The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coast (Texas A&M Nature Guides) Texas A&M University Press.
Thayer's Gull (color) in Guide to the Birds of Alaska. 5th ed. (2008). Alaska Northwest Books.
Orange-crowned Warbler (color) in Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America by Ted Floyd. 2008.
Montezuma Quail pair (color) in Arizona Wildlife Views. Arizona Game and Fish Dept. Sept-Oct 2010.
Thayer's Gull (color) in electronic edition, Audubon Birds. Green Mountain Digital.
Various birds (color) on Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Neotropical Birds website.
Eighty-nine birds (color) in BirdsEye Nature Apps. 2014-2017.
Two photos (color, one on front page), in article about hummingbirds. Austin American Statesman 11 April 1995.
Three photos (color), in an article about hummingbirds. Houston Chronicle 18 April 1995.
Albino Ruby-throated Hummingbird (B&W) cover plus one inside shot. Texas Ornithological Society newsletter. August, 1995.
Two photos (color) in article about the Nature Discovery Center, Bellaire, Texas. Houston Chronicle Jan. 24 1996.
One photo (B&W) in Bellaire Monthly, Bellaire, Texas, April 1996.
Partial albino Ruby-throated Hummingbird (color) WildBird magazine, contest winner, third place, "Rare" division October 1996.
Buff-bellied Hummingbird (B&W) in (Bellaire, Texas) Bellaire Monthly October 1996.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (B&W) in Eye on Nature newsletter, Texas Parks and Wildlife Nongame and Urban Program. Spring, 1997.
Male Black-chinned Hummingbird (color) in article about hummingbird identification. Birders Journal. Feb-Mar 2001. 10(1): 30
Eleven photos (color) in Howell, S.N.G. Hummingbirds of North America: The Photographic Guide. London: Academic Press. 2001.
Seven photos (color) in A Field Guide to Hummingbirds of North America (Peterson Field Guides) by Sheri L. Williamson. 2002. Peterson Field Guides. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Bee Hummingbird (color) in: Animal Minis: What Kids Really Want to Know about Tiny Animals (Kids Faqs) T&N Children's Publishing, Inc. 2006
Bee Hummingbird (color) in: Guinness Book of Records. Scholastic, Inc.
Bee Hummingbird (color) in Q & A: Birds. Hylas Publishing.
Bee Hummingbird (color) in ConceptLinks Ocean Studies learning module. Millmark Education.
Bee Hummingbird (color) in Reading Street. Pearson Cirriculum Group.
Bee Hummingbird (color). Museum of Flight, permanent exhibit. 2009.
Two photos (color) in Birds of Southeastern Arizona by Richard C. Taylor. R.W. Morse Co. 2010.
Bee Hummingbird (color) in Reading Street curriculum. Pearson Curriculum Group.
Broad-billed and Rufous hummingbirds (color) in a book review of Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest. The Plant Press: The Arizona Native Plant Society 40(2):17. Fall 2017.
Lucifer Hummingbird (color) in Borderland birds: Nesting birds of the Southern Border. Wauer, R. (2020) Xlibris.
Gray Potoo (color), cover of audiocassette: Voices of the New World Nightbirds: Owls Nightjars and Their Allies. Hardy, Coffey, and Reynard. ARA Records. 1988.
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (color), in The Enchanting Owl. C. Toops. Voyageur Press, Inc. 1990.
Gray Potoo (color), cover of audiocassette: Voices of the New World Nightjars and Their Allies. Hardy, Reynard, and Coffey. ARA Records. 1988, and second edition 1994.
Vermiculated Screech Owl (color), cover of audiocassette Voices of the New World Owls. Hardy, Coffey, and Reynard eds. ARA Records. 1989 and 1990.
Sokoke Scops Owl (color), in an article on natural history of Sokoke Scops Owl. World Birdwatch 1993, 15(1): 18
Black-banded Owl (color), in Behrstock, R.A., 1993. Owl books for birders: Selected prejudices. Birding Aug. 1993: 256-261.
Twelve pictures (seven owls, four nightjars, one swift) (color) in Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 5: Barn Owls to Hummingbirds (Handbooks of the Birds of the World) Barcelona: Lynx Edicions (1999).
Sokoke Scops Owl (color) in Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species: Volume 3 (Non-Mammals) (edited by W. Beacham) Osprey, FL: Beacham Publishing Corp. 2000.
Thirty-four owls (color) in Key Porter’s Encyclopedia of Owls by J. Duncan. Toronto: Key Porter Books, Ltd. 2003.
Sokoke Scops-Owl (color) in website for "Science Resource Center." 2004
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl (color), in National Audubon Society Pocket Guide to North American Birds of Prey (National Audubon Society Pocket Guides). Chanticleer Press. Jan. 1994
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl and Cave Swallow (color), in National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds: Eastern Region. Chanticleer Press. Aug. 1994
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl and Cave Swallow (color), in National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds: Western Region. Chanticleer Press. Aug. 1994
Flammulated Owl (color), in Birds of Texas: A Field Guide. By Rappole and Blacklock. Texas A&M Press. 1994
Flammulated Owl (color), in spring 1994 catalog, Texas A&M University Press.
Flammulated Owl (color), Laser disk: permanent exhibit at Big Bend National Park, Texas.
Six owl pictures (color) in Owls: Silent Fliers, by R.D. Lawrence. Toronto: Key Porter Books, Ltd.
Three nightjars (color) in Nightjars, Potoos, Frogmouths, Oilbird, and Owlet-nightjars of the World by Nigel Cleere. WildGuides. Hampshire, UK. 2010.
Band-winged Nightjar (color) in Birds of the Wetlands of Bogota (Thomas McNish).
Wood Owl (color) in Turaco Country: Reminiscences of East African Birding by Dale A. Zimmerman (2015).
Twelve-spotted Skimmer, Winnetka, Illinois
Nine dragonflies and damselflies (color, including cover photo), in cover story (by RAB) TEXAS MAGAZINE: Houston Chronicle, Sunday Supplement, 29 March 1998, pages 6-9.
Dragonfly (black and white) in: Dragonfly Symbolism Among the Cheyenne and Dakota by P.J. Durkin. Whispering Wind 30(1): 4-10.
Thirty-nine pictures (color) in Biggs, K. 2000. Common Dragonflies of California: A Beginner’s Pocket Guide. Sebastopol: Azalea Creek Press. Also, 39 pictures (slightly different assortment) in 2001 revision.
Damselfly (color) on cover (accompanying article by RAB). Argia (Newsletter of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas). July 2000.
Eight dragonflies (color) in Dunkle, S.W., 2000. Dragonflies through Binoculars: A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America (Butterflies and Others Through Binoculars Field Guide Series) New York: Oxford Press.
Twenty-nine dragonflies (color) in: Needham, J.G., M.L. May and M.J. Westfall. 2000. Dragonflies of North America. Gainesville, Scientific Publishers.
One damselfly and one dragonfly (color) in: Bay Nature Magazine, 1(1): 29-30. Jan. 2001, and subsequent magazine advertising May 2003.
Two dragonflies (color) in Ortho’s All About Water Gardening. Des Moines: Meredith Publishing. Pages 56 & 59.
Eleven images (color); prints on permanent display at Ciphergen Biosystems, Fremont, California, Feb. 2001.
Two dragonflies (front and rear outside covers, color) in: WINGS (the magazine of the Xerces Society). 24(1): Spring 2001.
Sabino Dancer (color) in: Brock, J. and S. Prchal. 2001. Sensitive Insect Species of the Coronado National Forest: species abstract Sabino Canyon Damselfly (Argia sabino).
Dragonfly (black and white) in an article about dragonfly identification. Ontario Insects. 7(1): 6. Sept. 2001.
Two dragonflies (color) in Dragonfly Dramas, an article about dragonflies and research at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, NM. Smithsonian. 32(10): 20. Jan 2002.
Ten images (color) in: Stokes Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies (2002) Blair Nikula and Jackie Sones, with Donald and Lillian Stokes. New York: Little, Brown & Co.
One dragonfly (color) in: Glotzhober, R.C. and D. McShaffrey (2002). The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Ohio. Columbus: Ohio Biological Survey.
Two dragonflies and one habitat shot (color) in article (by RAB). Houston section, Houston Chronicle. 7 Sep. 2002. pp. 1D & 3D.
One dragonfly (color) in: Ortho’s Creative Water Gardens. Des Moines: Meredith Publishing. 2003.
One damselfly (color) in article on creating backyard wildlife ponds. Audubon, June 2003, p. 84.
Six images (color) in article by Behrstock on dragonfly watching. Arizona Daily Star. 30 July 2003.
Three dragonflies and damselflies (color) in A Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Massachusetts. Mass. Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 2003.
Seven dragonflies and damselflies used in an environmental report prepared by Colorado State University and concerning Fort Sill (Oklahoma), 2004.
One dragonfly and one damselfly (color) in Sierra Nevada Natural History (California Natural History Guides) (Storer and Usinger). University of California Press, 2004.
Twenty-eight photos of dragonflies and damselflies (color) in Common Dragonflies of the Southwest: A Beginner’s Pocket Guide. K. Biggs. Sebastopol, CA: Azalea Press (2004).
One damselfly (color) rear cover Argia 16(2). 2004.
153 photos (color) in Dragonflies and Damselflies of Texas and the South-Central United States: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico J.C. Abbott. Princeton University Press. 2005.
Six dragonflies (color) in A Dazzle of Dragonflies F. Mitchell and J. Lasswell. Texas A&M Univ. Press. 2005.
Five dragonflies and damselflies (color) on new cover of Dragonflies of California and Common Dragonflies of the Southwest: A Beginner’s Pocket Guide. K. Biggs. Sebastopol, CA: Azalea Press. 2006.
Thirteen photos (dragonflies, damselflies, ant lions, an owl fly and a crane fly) in: Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America (Kaufman Field Guides) Hillstar Editions/Chanticleer Press. 2007.
Dragonfly (color) in Dragonflies of the Yungas (Odonata). von Ellenrieder and Garrison. Pensoft Publishers. 2007.
Thirty-four images (color) in Damselflies of North America: Color Supplement. M.L Westfall and S. W. Dunkle. Scientific Publishers. 2007.
Ten dragonflies (color) in Eubanks, Behrstock, and Davidson. 2008. Finding Birds On The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coast (Texas A&M Nature Guides). Texas A&M University Press.
Numerous dragonflies and damselflies (color) in: Dragonflies & Damselflies of the Border Southwest (Natural History Series) (by RAB). 2008. Tucson: Rio Nuevo Press.
Twenty-five photos (color) in Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West (Princeton Field Guides) by Dennis Paulson. Princeton University Press. 2009.
Six photos (color) in Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East (Princeton Field Guides by Dennis Paulson. Princeton University Press 2011.
Thirty-five dragonflies and damselflies (color) in BirdsEye Nature Apps. 2014-2017.
One dragonfly (color) in article on new Odonata for Thailand. 2018. Agrion 22 (1): 30-36.
One dragonfly (color) in Dragonflies and Damselflies: A Natural History. by Dennis Paulson. Princeton University Press 2019.
Texas Powdered Skipper, Parque Chipinque, Monterrey, Mexico
Guava Skipper and Common Mestra (color) in an article about the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. Texas Parks and Wildlife. 58(4): 24 & 28 (April 2000).
Cover photo and 13 inside shots of butterflies (color) in article (by RAB) in Texas Magazine, Houston Chronicle Sunday supplement, 25 Feb. 2001.
Common Buckeye (color) in The Magical Mobile, Incredible Pop-Out Butterfly Calendar and Activity Kit 2001. New York: National Audubon Society and Artisan Press.
Theona Checkerspot (color): Texas Highways magazine. 49(2): 55. Feb 2002.
Four images (color) in: Butterflies of North America (Kaufman Field Guides). 2003 and 2006. By Jim Brock and Kenn Kaufman. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Broad-winged Skipper (B&W): cover photo, News of the Lepidopterists’ Society, Vol. 45, Supp. S1. 2003.
Common Buckeye (color) for interpretive kiosk display, Golden Gate Natural Recreation Area, California
Blue Metalmark (color): cover photo (and inside B&W thumbnails) Texas Butterfly Festival 2003 information booklet. Mission, Texas. July 2003. Also used in accompanying website.
Six photos of satyr butterflies (color) in Sprightly Satyrs (by RAB). Texas Parks and Wildlife. Sept. 2003, pp. 2 and 22-27.
White Angled-Sulphur (black and white): Butterfly Gardener. Spring 2004. 9(1): 15.
Texas Wasp Moth (color) in moth article by James Adams. American Butterflies. Summer 2004. 12(2): 25.
Three photos (color) in: Butterflies of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, by R. Wauer; Johnson Press. 2004.
Forty-four photos (color) in: Butterflies of Northeastern Mexico: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, second edition, by Garwood and Lehman. 2005.
Pearly Marble (color) cover photo: Butterfly Gardener. 11(1): Spring 2006.
Two photos (color): Butterflies: 100 Selected Butterflies. Pronatura, Veracruz. 2006.
Gold-spotted Aguna (color): American Butterflies. Summer-Fall 2006.
Tailed Oranges on Gaillardia (black and white): Butterfly Gardener. 11(4): Winter 2006.
Ten photos (color) in Eubanks, Behrstock, and Davidson. 2008. Finding Birds On The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coast (Texas A&M Nature Guides) Texas A&M University Press.
Common Streaky-Skipper (color): Central Arizona Butterfly Association 2009 calendar.
Caterpillar (color) in Moths of Western North America Powell and Opler. 2009.
Two butterflies (color) in "Hot Seens" column, Fall 2009 American Butterflies. 17(3): 45.
White Angled-Sulphur (color): Central Arizona Butterfly Association 2010 calendar.
Fifty-seven images (color) in Audubon Butterflies - A Field Guide to North American Butterflies. (Downloadable field guide) Green Mountain Digital. 2010.
Giant Swallowtail (color) in The complete butterfly guide of the Santa Monica Mountains. Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, National Park Service. August 2011. On line booklet:
Metalmarks and Hairstreaks (color) in Butterflies of Central America Vol. 2 Lycaenidae and Riodinidae: The Hairstreaks and Metalmarks. Garwood and Lehman. 2012.
Various skippers (color) in Butterflies of Central America Vol. 3 Hesperiidae: The Skippers. Garwood & Lehman. 2013.
Orange-barred Sulphur (color) in The ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum. Hall, Jones. Guidotti & Hubley. 2014. p. 129.
Soldier (color) in "Hot Seens" column, Winter 2014. American Butterflies. 22(4): 49.
78 butterflies (color) in BirdsEye Nature Apps. 2014-2017.
Six butterflies (color) in Glassberg, J. 2018. A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America. Princeton Univ. Press.
Green Flasher (color) in article on flasher identification. American Butterflies 26(1): 38.
Yellow Angled-Sulphur (color) in "Hot Seens" column, Fall 2018 American Butterflies. 26(4): 45.41.
Caterpillar (color) in On Being a Caterpillar: Structure, Function, Ecology, and Behavior, Book chapter by D, L, Wagner and A, C, Hoyt.
Contributor to:
Butterflies of Americas:
Moth Photographers Group:
North American Butterfly Association: Photographic Checklist of Butterflies Occurring in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas:
Sphingidae of the Americas:
Five photos (color) in Grasshoppers Galore. Accent: Arizona Daily Star. 6 October 2008.
Two monkey grasshoppers (color) in Metaleptea (The Newsletter of the Orthopterists' Society). 31(2): 17. May 2011.
One image in Principles of Animal Communication, 2nd ed. by Bradbury and Vehrencamp. Sinauer Assoc. Inc. 2011.
Two images (color in online edition, black and white in print edition) in Behrstock, R.A. and P.H. Sullivan. 2011. Dichroplus notatus (Orthoptera: Acrididae): a grasshopper genus and species new to the United States. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 20(1): 35-38.
One image (color) in Metaleptea (The Newsletter of the Orthopterists' Society). 31(3): 8. September 2011.
Two images (color) in Insecta Mundi 0199: 1-4.
One grasshopper (b&w): Behrstock and Sullivan. Nov-Dec 2010. Spaniacris deserticola (Bruner, 1906) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae) a new grasshopper for Arizona. Entomological News. 121(5): 440-442. Published February 2012.
Four images (grasshopper and plants) in article (by RAB) on the Texas Cholla Grasshopper. Metaleptea 32(2): 8-9.
Four images (grasshoppers and habitat) in article on rediscovery of Aztecacris gloriosus. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 21(2).
One grasshopper (color). Metaleptea 32(3): 14.
Seven images (color) in: Rowell, H. and R.A. Behrstock. Additions to the acridoid grasshopper fauna of El Salvador. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 21(2).
Fuzzy Olive-green Grasshopper (color) in article on its distribution and records in Arizona. Metaleptea. 35(3): 16-18.
Atascosa Gem Grasshopper (2, color) in article about first Mexican records. Dugesiana 22(2): 97-99.
Eleven grasshopper images (color) in article on nymphs of Narrow-winged saltbush grasshopper. Journal of Orthoptera Research 24(2).
Monkey grasshopper (color) in article on taxonomy of Orthoptera by Hojun Song, et al. Cladistics 31 (2015) p. 623.
Monkey grasshopper (color) in Insects of North America (Abbott & Abbott. 2023. Princeton Field Guides).
Summer storm east of El Paso, Texas
Houston Audubon Society cabin/office (B&W) in John Tveten's weekly nature column. Houston Chronicle. 14 Feb. 1997.
Houston Audubon Society's Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary: (commercially available color postcard sold by Houston Audubon Society). Printed by Modern Postcard, March 1997
Two pictures of April 1997 High Island, TX Audubon Sanctuary dedications (B&W) in Texas Partners in Flight’s Flyway Newsletter Vol. 5 Spring 1997-Spring 1998, p. 12.
Prints (birds, butterflies, robber flies, and dragonflies) used as prizes for Houston Audubon Society Birdathon, spring 2001 and 2002.
One photo (color), birders at the Bolivar Flats, Galveston Co. TX. Texas Parks and Wildlife. April 2003, 61(4): 22.
Habitat shot (color) in description of new owl butterfly: Austin, et al., 2007. A new species of Opsiphanes Doubleday, [1849] from Western Mexico (Nymphalidae: Morphinae: Brassolini). Bulletin of the Allyn Museum, No. 150.
Seventeen photos; habitats, plants, lizards, etc. (color) in Eubanks, Behrstock, and Davidson. 2008. Finding Birds On The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coast Texas A&M Nature Guides) Austin: Texas A&M University Press.